Maui Pain Clinic and Kaloko Pain Center offers an outpatient option for pain relief. Total appointment time is generally less than one hour. You are required to have a driver on the day of your procedure. Post procedure, you are advised to return home and relax for the rest of the day. Patients usually return to normal activities the following day.

Dr. Van Natta will see all patients prior to procedures during a History and Physical to determine if each individual is a candidate for treatment.

Some cases require varying aspects of care, including medical management, physical therapy, aqua therapy, massage, acupuncture and/or other modalities.

Our staff is well trained in dealing with work related and auto injuries.

Dermatome Map


Review the dermatome map to see how your areas of pain correlate with the levels in the spine.


Click on the links below to view Anatomy of the Spine and other helpful information.

Anatomy of the Spine